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[FR-devel] Not to create more work...but...

From: Rich Kilmer
Subject: [FR-devel] Not to create more work...but...
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 00:21:44 -0500

The scintilla Ruby API that we are using is a bit old.  The one compiled
into FXRuby is the newest (1.49).  There is a file named scintilla.iface
which contains an abstract definition of the scintilla functions, etc.
Last fall (before starting FreeRIDE) I wrote the  parser/generator that
generates the Scintilla module from the .iface.  There are additional
constructs that have been added since then that are now not accounted

It seems that the thing is working for us, but it may be prudent to take
some time to bring this up to date. I am spending the next few days
(actually nights ;-) on the debugger.  Already made some progress, and
will continue.  Assuming we get that functional, I think I will switch
to Scintilla since its one of the most important things we have in the
IDE ;-)  I think we need this up to date before release.

After debugger, and while I work on the Scintilla stuff, others (Curt,
Laurent, ??) can work out the specific packaging of 0.5.0 (release
notes, documentation, etc).  Andy should have his new win32 release
within a week or so with latest fxruby & ripper.  That sound good?


Rich Kilmer, InfoEther LLC
trap("SIGINT") { raise [104, 101, 108, 108].pack("cccc") }

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