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Re: Return of the bagpipe music

From: Jim Sabatke
Subject: Re: Return of the bagpipe music
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 17:59:26 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.4.0-4GB i686; en-US; rv:0.8.1+) Gecko/20010417

What timing; I was just thinking about emailing the list about the same subject. I would be most appreciative of a working bagpipe format.

Best regards,


Martin Ellis wrote:

We haven't seen this for a while...

This example/input/test/ file was pretty messed up, but I've managed (at last) to get my system upgraded so I can run a recent Lilypond and fix it up.

I've put in s128 notes everywhere to stop grace notes getting involved with slurs and ties - and one of the bars needs a long s note to stop things getting too confused. Lilypond has a small convulsion when you run it because of the badly timed bars.

Can anyone put a estimate on when (if?) gracenotes will be fixed?

Also the second bar needs a \stemDown command before the A, even though there is a \stemDown before the 'partial.' It's not exactly a big effort to put it in, but why does it need to be there? (I'd rather know in case I don't notice it next time)


\version "1.3.149"
% bagpipe music.

title="Flower of Scotland"

\paper {
 linewidth = 14.0 \cm
 indent = 0.0 \cm
 \translator {

       NoteHead \override #'font-relative-size = #-2
   % The following determines the length of stems without beams
   % default is between 2.8 and 4.0 depending on the number of flags
       Stem \override #'length = #6
       Stem \override #'font-relative-size = #-2
       GraceAlignItem \override #'horizontal-space = #1
       Stem \override #'flag-style = #""

 \translator { \StaffContext
       TimeSignature \override #'visibility-lambda = #begin-of-line-visible
       TimeSignature \override #'visibility-lambda = #end-of-line-invisible

\pitchnames #`(
       (c . ,(make-pitch  -1 0 0 ))
       (d . ,(make-pitch  -1 1 0 ))
       (e . ,(make-pitch  -1 2 0 ))
       (f . ,(make-pitch  -1 3 0 ))
       (g . ,(make-pitch  -2 4 0 ))
       (a . ,(make-pitch  -2 5 0 ))
       (b . ,(make-pitch  -1 6 0 ))

taor =  \notes{ \grace { [g32 d g e]}}
grip =  \notes{ \grace { [g32 d g ]}}
thrd =  \notes{ \grace { [g32 d c] }}
birl =  \notes{ \grace { [g32 a g] }}
gstd =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 d g] }}
lgg = \notes{ \grace { g32 }}
lag = \notes{ \grace { a32 }}
fgg = \notes{ \grace { [f32 g'32] }}
dblb =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 b d] }}
dblc =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 c d] }}
dble =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 e f] }}
dblf =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 f g'] }}
dblg =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 f] }}
dbla =  \notes{ \grace { [a'32 g'] }}
cg   = \notes{ \grace { c32 }}
eg   = \notes{ \grace { e32 }}
gg   = \notes{ \grace { g'32 }}
dg   = \notes{ \grace { d32 }}
hag  = \notes{ \grace { a'32 }}
gefg =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 e f] }}
efg  = \notes{ \grace { [e32 f] }}
gdcg =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 d c]}}
gcdg =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 c d]}}

\score {
 \notes \transpose c''' \sequential { \time 6/8 \partial 4
 \property Voice.Slur \set #'direction = #1
 \slurUp \stemDown

f4 |
\gg f4 e8 \thrd d4.                  |
s128 \eg s128 \stemDown a4.( )a4 d8  |
\gg d4 f8 s128 \dble s128  e4. (     |
)e8 d4 \gg d4 e8                     |

\time 9/8
s128 \dblf s128 f2.( )f4 d8          |
\time 6/8
\dblg g'4 a'8 \gg a'4.               |
s128 \thrd s128 d4.( )d4 \eg a8      |
\time 9/8
\dble e4 \lag e8
\gg [e16 d8. e8] \gg f4 g'8          |

\time 6/8 s128
\hag f4 e8 \thrd d4.                 |
s128 \eg s128 a4.( )a4 d8            |
\dblg g'4 a'8 \gg a'4. s4            |
s128 \thrd s128 d4.( )d4 f8 s1       |

\dblg g'8 e8 \dblf [f4. e8]          |
s128 \thrd s128 d4.( )d4 \cg d8      |
\gg c4 e8 s128 \thrd s128 d4.(       |
)d4. \gdcg d4.                 \bar "|."

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Jim Sabatke
SuSE 7.1 Linux
Kernel - 2.4.0

Full many a gem of purest ray serene, The dark unfathom'd caves of ocean bear; Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air. --Thomas Gray

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