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Re: Return of the bagpipe music

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Return of the bagpipe music
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 22:07:08 +0200

> We haven't seen this for a while...
> This example/input/test/ file was pretty messed up, but I've 
> managed 
> (at last) to get my system upgraded so I can run a recent Lilypond and fix it 
> up.

> I've put in s128 notes everywhere to stop grace notes getting involved with 
> slurs and ties - and one of the bars needs a long s note to stop things 
> getting too confused.  Lilypond has a small convulsion when you run it 
> because 
> of the badly timed bars.

Since the example doesn't contain any slurs between notes with
different piches, just tied-over notes, I replaced all the 
slurs with ties and all of a sudden you can remove all the spacing
notes and get the desired result, see the attached version of the 

> Also the second bar needs a \stemDown command before the A, even though there
> is a \stemDown before the 'partial.'  It's not exactly a big effort to put it
> in, but why does it need to be there?  (I'd rather know in case I don't notice
> it next time)

This happens because of the way Lilypond creates contexts at the
start of the piece. If you explicitly create the Voice context
before trying to set any properties, they will be applied to 
the desired context. 

I know that Lilypond tries to do something smart when it creates
contexts by default, but it often leads to confusing results.

I don't understand your setting of the TimeSignature visibility-lambda
(only the last of the two settings is used).


\version "1.3.149"
% bagpipe music.

 title="Flower of Scotland"

\paper {
  linewidth = 14.0 \cm
  indent = 0.0 \cm
  \translator {

        NoteHead \override #'font-relative-size = #-2
    % The following determines the length of stems without beams
    % default is between 2.8 and 4.0 depending on the number of flags
        Stem \override #'length = #6
        Stem \override #'font-relative-size = #-2
        GraceAlignItem \override #'horizontal-space = #1
        Stem \override #'flag-style = #""

  \translator { \StaffContext
        TimeSignature \override #'visibility-lambda = #begin-of-line-visible
        TimeSignature \override #'visibility-lambda = #end-of-line-invisible

\pitchnames #`(
        (c . ,(make-pitch  -1 0 0 ))
        (d . ,(make-pitch  -1 1 0 ))
        (e . ,(make-pitch  -1 2 0 ))
        (f . ,(make-pitch  -1 3 0 ))
        (g . ,(make-pitch  -2 4 0 ))
        (a . ,(make-pitch  -2 5 0 ))
        (b . ,(make-pitch  -1 6 0 ))

taor =  \notes{ \grace { [g32 d g e]}}
grip =  \notes{ \grace { [g32 d g ]}}
thrd =  \notes{ \grace { [g32 d c] }}
birl =  \notes{ \grace { [g32 a g] }}
gstd =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 d g] }}
 lgg = \notes{ \grace { g32 }}
 lag = \notes{ \grace { a32 }}
 fgg = \notes{ \grace { [f32 g'32] }}
dblb =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 b d] }}
dblc =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 c d] }}
dble =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 e f] }}
dblf =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 f g'] }}
dblg =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 f] }}
dbla =  \notes{ \grace { [a'32 g'] }}
cg   = \notes{ \grace { c32 }}
eg   = \notes{ \grace { e32 }}
gg   = \notes{ \grace { g'32 }}
dg   = \notes{ \grace { d32 }}
hag  = \notes{ \grace { a'32 }}
gefg =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 e f] }}
efg  = \notes{ \grace { [e32 f] }}
gdcg =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 d c]}}
gcdg =  \notes{ \grace { [g'32 c d]}}

\score {
  \notes \transpose c''' \context Voice { \time 6/8 \partial 4
  \property Voice.Slur \set #'direction = #1
  \slurUp \stemDown

f4 |
\gg f4 e8 \thrd d4.                  |
\eg a4. ~ a4 d8  |
\gg d4 f8 \dble e4. ~     |
e8 d4 \gg d4 e8                     |

\time 9/8
\dblf f2. ~ f4 d8          |
\time 6/8
\dblg g'4 a'8 \gg a'4.               |
\thrd d4. ~ d4 \eg a8      |
\time 9/8
\dble e4 \lag e8
\gg [e16 d8. e8] \gg f4 g'8          |
\time 6/8 
\hag f4 e8 \thrd d4.                 |
\eg a4. ~ a4 d8            |
\dblg g'4 a'8 \gg a'4.            |
\thrd d4. ~ d4 f8       |
\dblg g'8 e8 \dblf [f4. e8]          | % <== Why the beam over f4.?
\thrd d4. ~ d4 \cg d8      |
\gg c4 e8 \thrd d4. ~       |
d4. \gdcg d4.                 \bar "|."

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