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Re: Slime and Emacs Lisp

From: Tim X
Subject: Re: Slime and Emacs Lisp
Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2006 15:05:23 +1000
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Sébastien Vauban <> writes:

> Hello,
>>> But my ultimate goal would be to try enjoying all the features
>>> of Slime for debugging Emacs Lisp code I want to maintain...
>>> And, *not* being an expert at all in both languages, I don't
>>> know if their differences are so big it's purely impossible to
>>> do what I want, or if it's still possible to debug Emacs Lisp
>>> code with Slime/CLisp?
>> Please note this is not the right group for this question. Try
> Sorry, you're right. Stupid mistake.
>> Slime is designed for working with common Lisp, which is a different
>> beastie to Emacs Lisp. Emacs has a pretty good in-built debugging
>> capabilities and a much closer integration than you would get with
>> slime even if you could get slime to work with it. 
> Can you be a bit more specific about which environment you use
> to do so?
> For example, how do you get the display of a function's
> arguments list in the minibuffer?  Very very useful.

Three refernces which you cannot do without if you are planning to
develop emacs lisp packages -

1. The emacs manual. Check out the section on tags, programming modes,
   imenu, documentation lookup, symbol completion etc.

2. An introduction to Emacs Lisp manual. Comes as a package under
   Debian and possibly RedHat and should be available at the GNU site.
   Gives a general overview of emacs lisp and pointers to using the
   debugger and other built-in features. 

3. The Emacs Lisp manual. Covers the nitty gritty bits of emacs lisp
   and using the debugger, profiling etc. 

4. - contains lots of useful information on
   customizations and add-on packages you can use to setup your lisp
   development environment. 

5. O'Reilly has a book called something like Extending Emacs or Emacs
   Lisp Programming - I can't quite remember. It has some handy tips. 

To what extent you can get things like function argument lists in the
min-buffer, I don't know. Most of my emacs lisp programming has been
fairly simple and I've not used/missed that feature. However, as slime
is just emacs lisp, then either it can be implemented (there is your
first project!) or it already exists either as an add-on or
customization change. 


tcross (at) rapttech dot com dot au

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