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Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Strange issues with LocalContent objects

From: Garikoitz Araolaza
Subject: Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Strange issues with LocalContent objects
Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2002 15:56:03 +0200

At 15:46 04/07/02, you wrote:
I am having a rather strange issue with LocalContent objects.

I am generating a DHTML menu by iterating over the folders and creating
a javascript through a DTML method.

My problem is, that the resulting menu doesn't change the language, when
I use the language urls (/de,/fr/,/en), but it does change, when I use
the Localizer.changeLanguageForm.

Are you putting your JavaScript code inside the HTML or are you creating a menus.js file to be called?

Your browser may be caching the previous JavaScript code if you are using an independent file.

Can you get into and test if the menus language changes? (I know you won't understand a word... but just take a look...)


Garikoitz Araolaza

Azitaingo Industrialdea
Tel: +34 943 82 06 06

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