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Re: [RP] dockapps

From: Joe Corneli
Subject: Re: [RP] dockapps
Date: Sat Jul 10 10:05:04 2004

   That sounds like you're reimplementing virtual desktops?  

Currently, virtual desktops for RP are subsumed by groups... if
every program is full screen.

   Group1   Group2
   rxvt     xeyes
   emacs    xcalc

But if I switch to group 2 and split xeyes, then type :gnext, I get
rxvt together with xcalc.  Now in the rxvt window :other takes me to
emacs, whereas in the xcalc window it takes me to xeyes. 

My "virtual desktops" have been merged.  Fine, and I can always go
back to a more traditional virtual desktop mode by typing :only.

I don't think this behavior should be changed.

(One might want to be able to drop certain groups from the group
ring, so that for example one could do something like that "panel"
we saw just a moment ago and not have it interfere with groups
traversal going on in the "main frame".)

But it is simplist for now if we ignore what goes on when you
have windows from two groups onscreen at the same time.

Then I could have something like this:

   Windowframe1   Windowframe2
   rxvt           xeyes
   emacs          xcalc

i.e. we have two windows in each frame.  Then :wfnext, :wfprev,
:wfselect, :wfother move you from windowframe to windowframe. (I've
changed the prefix in response to your keen remark about :fselect!)

Do we want windows from the other windowframe accessible by :next
&c., or not?  I would suggest no. The windows in each windowframe
should form a group, and this group should persist beyond a certain
configuration of frames.  Very definitely a "virtual desktops" sort
of thing.

If I wanted to get emacs into WF2, there could be a command "move to
next windowframe").  Running this command would achieve the following:

              Windowframe1   Windowframe2
   onscreen   rxvt           xeyes
   offscreen                 emacs

Groups in the usual sense could come into it... suppose that instead
of just one terminal, "rxvt" stands for a whole collection of rxvt's
(a screen-simulator).  You move this sort of group around when you
move its associated window around.

But what happens when you have more than one window from a given
group in a given windowframe?

              Windowframe1   Windowframe2
   onscreen   rxvt1          xeyes
              rxvt2          xcalc
   offscreen                 emacs

I would suggest that you still move windows between windowframes on
the _window_ level, so :move-to-next-windowframe in the above
example might result in samething like this:

              Windowframe1   Windowframe2
   onscreen   rxvt1          xeyes
   offscreen                 emacs

or, after a bit of twiddling,

              Windowframe1   Windowframe2
   onscreen   rxvt1          xeyes
   offscreen                 xcalc

One should be able to traverse windows within a certain group, to
accomplish something like this:

              Windowframe1   Windowframe2
   onscreen   rxvt1          xeyes
   offscreen                 xcalc

And, finally, one should probably be able to have groups of
windowframes (to be traversed by :wfgnext &c.).


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