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Re: [Rule-www] Navigating the web site

From: Michael Fratoni
Subject: Re: [Rule-www] Navigating the web site
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 13:51:08 -0400

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 20 April 2002 11:13 am, Marco Fioretti wrote:
> Hello,
> again in the "brainstorm" spirit, any idead about how to deal with:
>         site navigation: Left side frame? top and bottom menus
>         embedded in tables (as today, look at source) but dynamic?

I like left side navigation, personally. If done with frames, we should 
provide a noframes version as well, no?

>         links to code/binaries: we are still relying on Devon's (er,
>         Michael's...) web site for slinky and miniconda, plus some
>         other stuff on savannah: we have to decide for good where and
>         how to put the stuff, and have all automatically pointed from
>         the rule-project web site (which may mean anything from just
>         "go to project site  and look there" to some cross-server
>         procedure/php real time query to list on rule-project what's
>         on

Devon, Michael, I answer to both. :)

The files for both installers are also available from the savanna 
download site. I generally upload them there right after I put them on my 
server. The latest release hasn't made it yet. I'll do that later today.

If Rodolfo wants to host them on his server, thats easy enough as well.
Judging by my access logs, it shouldn't generate a lot of traffic. 
I assume ssh access is available to upload the data?

Source is another matter entirely. This isn't a project that lends itself 
easily to making a source tree available.

Miniconda, (which I am working on a new release for) is minor mods to the 
stock anaconda packages. We could make source rpms of them, I suppose.
Or do we perhaps tell people to get the stock anaconda, and provide a 
patch to modify it?
Beyond that, it's a matter of scripts I use to move files around, run the 
anaconda commands, and generate the updates disk. The majority of the 
modifications are restricted to the updates disk, so the source for that 
portion is easy enough. Building miniconda requires the Red Hat 7.2 
directory containing all the rpms. Does the Red Hat source tree become 
part of the source? Ok, overkill, I agree, but you see the point. Where 
do we stop?

I am working on some sort of documentation for both projects, detailing 
how to build the filesystems, and how to generate the images. I want to 
do it before I forget how. :)

Slinky is a combination of many different projects.
The scripts of course are easy. See the script? There's your source. :)
However, to make those scripts function, I've built many packages from 
source. Do we need to put up the source for uClibc, for example? Should 
we just point to the source, and provide details on how it was 
configured, installed and used? The same holds true for busybox, nano, 
util-linux, sh-utils, syslinux.... It's a lot of source that goes into 
creating those 2 floppies. How much source, you ask?
$ df /dev/hda2
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2              9629912   4953004   4579076  52% 

Almost 5Gb, currently of source, built packages, scripts and rpm files.

Matter of fact, tonights project is taking down my devel machine.
I don't want to:
$ uptime
  1:45pm  up 77 days, 17:44,  9 users,  load average: 1.12, 1.17, 1.12

Anyway, I am rebuilding it with a new case, 2 40GB drives, and hoping I 
don't lose any data in the process. 

- -- 
- -Michael

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