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Re: Probing string variables

From: Phil Knight
Subject: Re: Probing string variables
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 15:50:18 +0100

In article <address@hidden>, Ken Cline
>Use a char *.  With an object, eg String object, the probe
>doesn't have a way to get the value and will probably show
>the class type of the object instead, eg String_c.  I think
>this is true for any non base data type.  Is that right,

Thanks, it appears to work now. I was using char c[] instead of char *c,
the probe won't show the value of the former, but works ok with the
latter even though I thought the two should be equivalent.

>Or, you could probe the "string" variable for the String
>class.  But the ProbeMap for an object, foo, can only
>contain var probes of foo's instance variables, AFAIK. So,
>you couldn't create a probe display for your modelswarm that
>contains a var probe for the "string" ivar in the String

I tried the following (not the best way I know!!!, but I'd still like to
know why it doesn't work):

initialFile is id *

in modelswarm.m 
  in createBegin:
    obj->initialFile = [String create: aZone setC: "Initial.data"];
  in createEnd:
    ProbeMap * probeMap;
    probeMap = [EmptyProbeMap createBegin: [self getZone]];
    [probeMap setProbedClass: [initialFile class]];
    probeMap = [probeMap createEnd];
    [probeMap addProbe: [probeLibrary getProbeForVariable: "string"
                                    inClass: [initialFile class]]];
    [probeLibrary setProbeMap: probeMap For: [initialFile class]];

But when I do a 
[probeDisplayManager createProbeDisplayFor: modelswarm->initialFile]
in the observerswarm, I end up with a complete probe display rather than
one for the probe map. Any ideas?

Phil Knight

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