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[Cardinal-dev] (Fwd from perl6-internals) I'm baaa-ack :)

From: Jeff
Subject: [Cardinal-dev] (Fwd from perl6-internals) I'm baaa-ack :)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 01:45:03 -0400

Some of you may notice the new CVS commit in languages/ruby.

This is -not- a fait accompli', but a nearly complete grammar for ruby.
I removed the left-recursion in the expression nonterminal ('arg'), but
not the last few places. It's using the publicly available descripton in
the Ruby documentation (Appendix A, 'Pseudo-BNF grammar',) so it should
be reasonably unencumbered by licensing issues.

Within the Yacc/ directory, however, will be the original parse.y file
from ruby's source. This one actually passes the left-recursive test
completely, but is probably going to offer many more problems than the
pseudogrammar offered in the top level.

Until we have permission to use the official parse.y-derived grammar,
let's hold off on using it. Feel free to play with it, and if you can
make it completely work, feel free, but don't commit quite yet.

The pseudogrammar in the current ruby/ directory parses 'a+3', which
descends about 5 levels deep into the grammar, checking quite a few
pathways. However, about 10 lines are commented out, which do the really
fun things. This is probably something of a slapdash release, and I
apologize for this, but I came back from YAPC only to go on to Oshkosh,
and I'm just now recovering from that. Expect to see me more often from
now on, or at least so I hope.
Jeff <address@hidden>

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