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Re: Renaming eglot -- or at least add an alias?

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: Re: Renaming eglot -- or at least add an alias?
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2022 08:59:33 +0000

Theodor Thornhill <theo@thornhill.no> writes:

> On 13 October 2022 02:47:51 CEST, Stephen Leake 
> <stephen_leake@stephe-leake.org> wrote:
>>Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org> writes:
>>> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
>>> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
>>> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
>>>   > > Because all of the interaction between server and client in lsp is 
>>> json
>>>   > > there's a huge overhead with parsing and shipping things into the 
>>> emacs
>>>   > > user interface.  So IMO what tree-sitter is good at should be left to
>>>   > > tree-sitter.
>>Premature optimization.
> Why do you say that? 
> I've been using lsp for a long time, and typing lag can get unbearable
> with servers that sends too much stuff. When 20k completions
> containing _full_ documentation for every result that json gets
> humongous. Adding syntax highlights on top of that isn't advisable,
> considering emacs nonmultithreaded nature.

Is there any way to negotiate what information one is interested in at a
time?  E.g. I usually am not interested in documentation while
completion a symbol name.  If curious I'll request it manually and
having all of Emacs slowed down because of something like that sounds bad.

>>In practice, eglot is fast enough. That's why LSP servers are so
> That does not mean piling on features will help. Eglot is fast exactly 
> because we've been mindful on what has been added. 

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