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Re: Stability of core packages (was: Not easy at all to upgrade :core pa

From: Jim Porter
Subject: Re: Stability of core packages (was: Not easy at all to upgrade :core packages like Eglot)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 15:42:05 -0700

On 4/19/2023 3:29 PM, João Távora wrote:
On Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 10:58 PM Jim Porter <jporterbugs@gmail.com> wrote:
As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, I just use the *Packages* buffer
and 'package-menu-mark-upgrades' (bound to "U"). That works on older
Emacsen too. In 29, 'package-update' would make it easier to update a
single package though, and 'package-update-all' provides a programmatic
way to do what I do interactively in 28.

No. Both are absent in Emacs 28.

Yes, but the "U" keybinding is in Emacs 28, which is what I meant there.

And besides, "U" _also does different things in Emacs 28 and Emacs 29.
  In 28 it _will_ upgrade Eglot to the latest (so they tell me). But
not in Emacs 29.

That depends. If I had previously installed Eglot in 28, and then download Emacs 29 and upgrade my packages (without deleting my elpa/ dir), I'll still get new versions of Eglot from GNU ELPA. I think that part works as expected.

By default, Emacs comes with GNU ELPA configured only, I think.
And Eglot has always existed there.  I don't know what you mean
by "pin".  I do know some users _also_ had Eglot on MELPA to get
an even newer version, but I've never really recommended that.

You can "pin" a package (see 'package-pinned-packages' or the ':pin' keyword in use-package) so that you always get updates from a particular archive, which is useful if you use a package that rarely gets releases, among other things. Then you can set the devel archives to a lower priority (see 'package-archive-priorities') and pin that package to the devel archive without having to live on the edge for every other package. This also means that if I wipe out my elpa/ dir, I get my packages from the archive I want.

I think this should also work as a way of declaring that you want Eglot from GNU ELPA even if it's built-in, but that part doesn't work right now.

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