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le mot CODA se situe au début et problème de gissando

From: gegeours
Subject: le mot CODA se situe au début et problème de gissando
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2020 08:15:40 -0700 (MST)

Bonjour à tous,

J'ai essayé de faire une partition avec la coda à la suite de la portée en
fonction des éléments apportés par Valentin.
Je n'arrive pas à déplacer le mot CODAqui se situe au début de la partition

Voici le code de ma partition :

\version "2.20"


%% Functions copied from

rochadeAlpha = {
\override Score.BreakAlignment.break-align-orders =
  #(make-vector 3

\once \override =
     (first-note fixed-space . 2.0)
     (right-edge extra-space . 0.5)
     (staff-bar minimum-space . 2.5))

\once \override =
     (time-signature extra-space . 1.15)
     (first-note fixed-space . 1.0)
     (right-edge extra-space . 0.5)
     (staff-bar minimum-space . 2.5))

onceTextLengthOn = {
  \once\override TextScript.extra-spacing-width = #'(0 . 0)
  \once\override TextScript.extra-spacing-height = #'(-inf.0 . +inf.0)

staffStop = {

staffStart = {
  \once\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t)
  \set Staff.forceClef = ##t

#(define-markup-command (bar-line layout props strg)(string?)
  #:properties ((font-size 0)
                (thin-thickness #f)
                (thick-thickness #f)
                (kern #f)
                (add-height 0))
 Please note: @code{bar-line} isn't finished. There are some weird
codings in
 it. I wouldn't be surprised, if it crashes soon.
  (define (string->string-list str)
    "Convert a string into a list of strings with length 1.
  @code{"aBc"} will be converted to @code{("a" "B" "c")}.
  An empty string will be converted to a list containing @code{""}."
    (if (and (string? str)
             (not (zero? (string-length str))))
        (map (lambda (s)
                     (string s))
             (string->list str))
        (list "")))

  (define (make-bar-line thickness height font-size blot-diameter)
    "Draw a simple bar line."
      (cons 0 (* (magstep font-size) thickness))
      (interval-widen (cons 0 (+ add-height height)) (magstep font-size))

  (define (make-colon-bar-line height font-size)
    (let* ((font
             (ly:paper-get-font layout
               (cons '((font-encoding . fetaMusic)) props)))
           (dot (ly:font-get-glyph font "")))
          (magstep (+ (/ add-height 2) font-size))

  (define (make-bracket-bar-line height font-size dir thick-bar )
    "Draw a bracket-style bar line. If @var{dir} is set to @code{LEFT}, the
     opening bracket will be drawn, for @code{RIGHT} we get the
     closing bracket."
    (let* ((font
              (ly:paper-get-font layout
                (cons '((font-encoding . fetaMusic)) props)))
           (brackettips-up (ly:font-get-glyph font "brackettips.up"))
           (brackettips-down (ly:font-get-glyph font "brackettips.down"))
           ;; the x-extent of the brackettips must not be taken into account
           ;; for bar line constructs like "[|:", so we set new bounds:
               (ly:stencil-expr brackettips-up)
               (cons 0 0)
               (ly:stencil-extent brackettips-up Y)))
               (ly:stencil-expr brackettips-down)
               (cons 0 0)
               (ly:stencil-extent brackettips-down Y)))
                 (+ (/ (+ add-height height) 2) (magstep font-size))
                 (* -1 (+ (/ (+ add-height height) 2) (magstep font-size)))
    (if (eq? dir LEFT)
        (ly:stencil-scale stencil -1 1))))

  ;; TODO: changing global-staff-size will ruin the output for the braces
  ;; manual readjustment needed 
  (define (make-brace-bar-line height font-size)
    (let* ((pt (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'pt))
           (new-height (/ (+ height add-height) pt))
           (line-thickness (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-thickness))
             (ly:paper-get-font layout
               (cons '((font-encoding . fetaBraces)
                       (font-name . #f))
           (glyph-count (1- (ly:otf-glyph-count font)))
           (scale (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'output-scale))
           ;; Why `+ 2´  ?
           (scaled-size (+ 2 (/ (ly:pt new-height) scale)))
           ;; TODO How about font-size?
           ;; (scaled-size
           ;;    (+ 2 (magstep font-size) (/ (ly:pt new-height) scale)))
             (lambda (n)
                 (string-append "brace" (number->string n)))))
             (lambda (brace)
                (ly:stencil-extent (glyph brace) Y))))
             (binary-search 0 glyph-count get-y-from-brace scaled-size))
           (glyph-found (glyph find-brace)))
    (if (or (null? (ly:stencil-expr glyph-found))
            (< scaled-size
               (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent (glyph 0) Y)))
            (> scaled-size
               (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent (glyph glyph-count) Y))))
          (ly:warning (_ "no brace found for point size ~S ") new-height)
          (ly:warning (_ "defaulting to ~S pt")
          (/ (* scale (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent glyph-found Y)))
             (ly:pt 10)))))

    (let* ((line-thickness (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-thickness))
           (size (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'text-font-size 12))
           ;; Numerical values taken from the IR
           ;; making them overrideable
           (kern (or kern (* line-thickness 3.0)))
           (thin-thickness (or thin-thickness (* line-thickness 1.9)))
           (thick-thickness (or thick-thickness (* line-thickness 6.0)))
           (blot (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'blot-diameter))
           ;; Not sure about the numerical value, found it by try and error.
               (make-bar-line thin-thickness (/ size 9) font-size blot)
               Y CENTER))
               (make-bar-line thick-thickness (/ size 9) font-size blot)
               Y CENTER))
               (make-colon-bar-line (/ size 9) font-size)
               Y CENTER))
               (make-bracket-bar-line (/ size 9) font-size -1
               Y CENTER))
               (make-bracket-bar-line (/ size 9) font-size 1 thick-bar-line)
               Y CENTER))
               (make-brace-bar-line (/ size 9) font-size)
               Y CENTER))
           (strg-list (string->string-list strg))
              (lambda (x) (cond ((string=? ":" x) colon-bar-line)
                                ((string=? "|" x) thin-bar-line)
                                ((string=? "." x) thick-bar-line)
                                ((string=? "[" x) bracket-left-bar-line)
                                ((string=? "]" x) bracket-right-bar-line)
                                ((string=? "{" x) brace-left-bar-line)
                                (else empty-stencil))))
             (remove ly:stencil-empty? (map find-bar-line-proc strg-list)))
             (stack-stencils X
                             (* (magstep font-size) kern)
           (stil-y-length (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent stil Y))))
      ;; Hm, should the stencil-translate be hard-coded?
        0;(/ stil-y-length 4)

%% The BarLine to add is defined using the markup-command \bar-line,
%% It depends of 'start-bar-length' (y-length)
%%               'kern' (kerning)
%%               'start-bar-type (type)
%%               'thick-thickness (harcoded thick-thickness)
#(define (start-bar-markup kern start-bar-length thick-thickness
      \with-dimensions #(cons kern kern) #'(0 . 0)
      \override #`(add-height . ,start-bar-length)
      \override #`(thick-thickness . 0.5)
      \bar-line #start-bar-type

%% The 'markup' is turned into a stencil and moved in
%% Y-direction to fit.
#(define ((new-start-bar start-bar-length markup) grob)
  (let* ((layout (ly:grob-layout grob))
         (staff-space (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'staff-space))
         (size (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'text-font-size 12))
         (line-thickness (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-thickness))
         (new-start-bar-stil (grob-interpret-markup grob markup))
             (ly:bar-line::print grob)
               (+ staff-space
                  (/ line-thickness 2)
                  (/ (+ start-bar-length (/ size 9)) -2))


addBar =
#(define-music-function (kern start-bar-type start-bar-length)
  (number? string? number?)
 Adds a custom-bar-line to @code{\\bar "|"}.
 @var{kern} is for kerning
 @var{start-bar-type} determines the type
 @var{start-bar-length} determines the Y-length
 Also, other settings are used to fake the appearence of a starting system.
 Using custom-staff-sizes or other global-staff-size will result in the need
 to readjust the value for @var{start-bar-length}
    \once \override Staff.BarLine.stencil =
         (start-bar-markup kern start-bar-length 0.5 start-bar-type))
    \once\override = #1.6
    \once\override = #1.6
    \once\override Score.BarLine.Y-extent = #'(0 . 0)
    \bar "|"
    \once\override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT

space =
#(define-music-function (width) (number?)
 Adding a gap of width @var{width} into a StaffSymbol.
 Only works in the middle of a Staff.
 SpanBars are forced. Ofcourse this will only work, if the
Span_bar_engraver is
     s1*1/1000000-\markup \with-dimensions #(cons 0 width) #'(0 . 0) \null
     \once \override Staff.BarLine.allow-span-bar = ##t
     \once \override Score.Clef.font-size = #'2

noSpan = \with {
    \override BarLine.allow-span-bar = ##f


%% Début de la partition de Gérard


\header {
  title = "Direct Paris Milan"
  instrument = "Accordéon"
  composer = "Attilio Manghenzani"
  tagline = \markup {
    Gravé avec LilyPond, un logiciel gratuit et libre
    \concat { ( \with-url #""; ) }
\paper {
  system-system-spacing.padding = #0
  oddFooterMarkup = \markup \fill-line {
    \center-column {
      \line { \fontsize #-4 \fromproperty #'header:title }
      \on-the-fly  #last-page \line { \fontsize #-1 \fromproperty
#'header:tagline }
      \italic \line {
        \fontsize #-1 {
          GR le #(strftime "%d %b %Y" (localtime (current-time)))

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists "Span_bar_engraver"
  \context {
    %% pour imprimer le signe "coda" -vv
    \consists "Text_engraver"
    %% noms des accords en français
    \override ChordName.font-family = #'serif
    \override ChordName.extra-offset = #'(-1 . 0)
  \override Score.BarNumber.color = #red
  \override Score.BarNumber.font-shape = #'italic
  \override Score.BarNumber.font-size = #0.2
  ragged-last = ##t

logo= \markup {
  \with-dimensions #'(0 . 0) #'(0 . 0) {
    \translate #'(2 . -1)
    %% Vérifier le chemin, puis décommenter (-vv)
    ""%\epsfile #X #15 #"../accordéon.eps"

codaBreak = {
  \stopStaff \cadenzaOn s1
  \once \override BreathingSign.X-extent = #'(0 . 12)
  \once \override BreathingSign.transparent = ##t
  \breathe s \cadenzaOff \startStaff
  \set Staff.forceClef = ##t
  \once \override Staff.Clef.full-size-change = ##t

%%% extension du LaissezVibrer
xLV = #(define-music-function
        (parser location further) (number?) #{
  \once \override LaissezVibrerTie.X-extent = #'(0 . 0)
  \once \override LaissezVibrerTie.details.note-head-gap =
  #(/ further -2)
  \once \override LaissezVibrerTie.extra-offset =
  #(cons (/ further 2) 0)

global = {
  \key f \major
  \time 4/4
  \defineBarLine ";;" #'(";;" "" ";;")

right = \relative c' {
    <e g bes c>8 [ q q q] q [ q q q]
  <eis gis b cis> [ q q q] q [ q q q]
  <e g bes c>8 [ q q q] q    [ q q q]
  <eis gis b cis> [ q q q] q [ q q q]
  <e g bes c>4 r r2
  \acciaccatura c8 <e g bes d>2 r2
  \acciaccatura c8 <e g bes des>2 r2
  \acciaccatura c8 <e g bes c>2 \acciaccatura c8 <e g bes c>2 \bar "||"
  \time 2/2
  c8 <f a c> d2 c8 <f a c>
  d2 c8 <f a c> d4
  c <e g bes d> q q
  c8 <e bes' d> d2 c8 <e bes' d>
  d2 c8 <e bes' d> d4
  c4 <f a c> q q
  c8 <f a c> d2 c8 <f a c>
  d2 c8 <f a c> d4
  c <e g bes d> q q
  c8 <e bes' d> d2 c8 <e bes' d>8
  d2 c8 <e bes' d> d4
  <f a c>4 r r q
  q r q r
  c8 <f a c> d2 c8 <e a c>
  d2 c8 <f a c> d4
  c4 <e g bes d> q q
  c8 <e bes' d> d2 c8 <e bes' d>
  d2 c8 <e bes' d> d4
  c4 <f a c> q q
  \acciaccatura f8  2 \acciaccatura f8  2
  \acciaccatura f8  2\acciaccatura f8  2
  \acciaccatura f8 <bes d>2\acciaccatura f8 <bes d>2
  <ges bes des>1
  <f a c>1
  <c e g bes>4 <bes c e g>2 r4
   4 r  q q
  r q q2 \bar "||" \time 4/4
  <e' g bes c>8 [ q q q] q [ q q q]
  <eis gis b cis> [ q q q] q [ q q q]
  <e g bes c> [ q q q] q [ q q q]
  <eis gis b cis> [ q q q] q [ q q q]
  <e g bes c>8 r r q8 q r r q
  <eis gis b cis> r r q q r r q
  <e g bes c> r r q q r r q
  q r q r q r q r \bar "||" \time 2/2
  a'8 [ g f e] d [ c b c]
  d [ c b c] d [ c b c]
  a'8 [ g f e] d [ c b c]
  d [ c b c] d [ c b c]
  bes'[ g e c] d [ e d c]
  d [ c b c] d [ c b c]
  bes' [ g e c] d [ e d c]
  d [ c b c] d [ c b c]
  a'8 [ g f e] d [ c b c]
   d [ c b c] d [ c b c]
   a'8 [ g f e] d [ c b c]
  d [ c b c] d [ c b c]
  bes' [ g e c] d [ e d c]
  d [ c b c] d [ c b c]
  bes' g e c bes g e c
  f4 r <a, c d f> \mark \markup \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" r
  \bar "||" \key bes\major
 <d' f bes>4 r q q
 r q q q
  <des es bes'>  q q q
  q q q q
  <d f bes> r q q
  r q q q
  <des es bes'>4 q q q
  q q q q
  <g bes es>4 r q q
  r q q q
    q q q
  q q q q
  <g bes es>4 r q q
  r4 q q q
    q q q
  q q q q
  <d, f bes> r q q
  r q q q
  <des e bes'> q q q
  q q q q
  <d f bes> r q q
  r q q q
  <des e bes'> q q q
  q q q q
   4 r q q r q q q
  <gis b d f> q <gis b d es> q
  <es g bes d> q <es g bes des> q \bar "||"

left = \relative c' {
  \global \clef F
  c,4 r r c
 cis r r cis
 c r r c
 cis r r cis
 c8 [c8 c8 c8] c8 [c8 c8 c8]
 c8 [c8 c8 c8] c8 [c8 c8 c8]
 c8 [c8 c8 c8] c8 [c8 c8 c8]
 c8 [c8 c8 c8] c8 [c8 c8 c8]
 f,4 f' d, c
 f f' d, f'
 c, c'' e,, g
 c, c'' e,, g
 c, c'' e,, g
 c, c'' e,, g
 f f' d, c
 f f' d, c
 f f' d, c
 f f' d, f'
 c, c'' e,, g
 c, c'' e,, g
 c, c'' e,, g
 c, c'' e,, c''
 r <f,, a d> q r
 r q r q
 f f' d, c
 f f' d, f'
 c, c'' e,, g
 c, c'' e,, g
 c, c'' e,, g
 c, c'' e,, c''
 f,, f' d, c
 f f' d, c
 f'4 e es d
 bes c b c
 bes' a aes g
 ges, ges' des, ges'
 f, f' c, f'
 g, c' c,, c''
 f,, r c f
 r4 c f2
 c'4 r r c
 cis r r cis
 c r r c
 cis r r cis
 r8 c c r r c c r
 r cis cis r r cis cis r
 r c c r r c c r
 r c r c r c r c
 f,4 f' c, f'
 f, f' c, f'
 f, f' c, f'
 f, f' c, f'
 g, c' c,, c''
 g, c' c,, c''
 g, c' c,, c''
 g, c' c,, c''
 f,, f' c, f'
 f, f' c, f'
 f, f' c, f'
 f, f' c, f'
 g, c' c, c'
 g, c' c, c'
 g, c' c, c'
 f, r <f f'> r
 \key bes\major
 bes, bes' f, bes
 bes bes' f, bes'
   {bes4 r r bes r2 bes4 r}
   {des,,1 ~ des1}
 bes'4 bes' f, bes'
 bes, bes' f, bes'
   {des4 r r des r2 des4 r}
   {des,,1 ~ des1}
 es4 es' bes es
 es,4 es' bes es
   {ges4 r r ges r2 ges4 r4}
   {ges,1 ~ ges1}
 es4 es' bes es
  es,4 es' bes es
   {ges4 r r ges r2 ges4 r4}
   {ges,1 ~ ges1}
 bes4 bes' f, bes'
 bes,4 bes' f, bes'
   {des4 r r des r2 des4 r}
   {des,,1 ~ des1}
 bes'4 bes' f, bes'
 bes, bes' f, bes'
   {des4 r r des r2 des4 r}
   {des,,1 ~ des1}
 f4 r f f
 r f f f
 f r r2
 R1 *2/2

accords = \chordmode {

codaAccords = \chordmode {

codaRight= \relative c' {
  \clef G
  \key f\major \time 4/4
  \acciaccatura c'8 <e g bes d>4 r r2
  <c e bes' c>4 r r2
  \acciaccatura c8 <e g bes d>4 r r2
  <a, c f>2 \acciaccatura <bes des>8  2
  \acciaccatura <bes des>8  4 \acciaccatura <bes des>8  4
\acciaccatura <bes des>8  2
  \acciaccatura <bes des>8  2 \acciaccatura <bes des>8  2
  <bes des f>8 [  ] <bes des f>8 [  ] <bes des f>8 [  ] <bes d es f>\fermata 


codaLeft = \relative c {
  \clef F
  \key f\major
  c8 [ c8 c8 c8] c8 [ c8 c8 c8]
  c8 [ c8 c8 c8] c8 [ c8 c8 c8]
  c8 [ c8 c8 c8] c8 [ c8 c8 c8]
  c8 [ c8 c8 c8] c8 [ c8 c8 c8]
  f,8 [ f f f] f [ f f f]
  f [ f f f] f [ f f f ]
  f [ f f f] f [ f f f]
  f [ f f f] f f a \fermata[ f\fermata]
 \bar "|."

%% Image de logo.
\markup {
  \with-dimensions #'(0 . -0) #'(0 . 1)
  \translate #'(-3 . -1)
  \epsfile #X #15 #"/home/gerard/Documents/Mespartitions/accordéon.eps"
\score {
  \new PianoStaff \with {
    midiInstrument = "accordion"
  } <<
    \new Staff {
      \right \codaBreak
      \addBar #0.3 "{" #13.25
    \new ChordNames \with {
      midiInstrument = "music box"
      midiMaximumVolume = #80
    } {
      \accords s1^\markup \center-column {
        \hspace #1
        "CODA" \musicglyph #"scripts.coda"
      } s
      \codaAccords }
    \new Staff { \left \codaBreak \codaLeft }
  \layout { }
  \midi {
    \tempo 4=100


Comment fait-on pour arranger la CODA au bon endroit.
Par ailleurs, j'ai un glissando qui se place avant l'accord comme l'indique
l'image ci-dessous :

Avec \override = #'zigzag et \glissando tout se place après
l'accord. Comment dois-je m'y prendre.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

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