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Re: Making AUCTeX ELPA releases from the master branch

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: Making AUCTeX ELPA releases from the master branch
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 14:59:07 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.4; emacs 30.0.50

Tassilo Horn <> writes:

>   - There's also a completely different alternative: make the
>     externals/elpa the new "main" branch and drop master and tarball
>     releases altogether.  Is there still a justification for having
>     them?  I mean, we dropped XEmacs support anyway and it should be
>     easy enough for distros to just use the ELPA tarballs as basis for
>     their distro packages.

I've created a "main" branch (split off externals/auctex) and adjusted
it such that it should be buildable on elpa and the mere act of changing
the Version number in auctex.el in a commit would trigger a new ELPA
release.  And every other commit would at least trigger a new release on

So basically, we should decide now if we switch to going ELPA-only in
which case we'd not use master anymore but develop directly in main.
(I'd be in favour of it, obviously.)

We could also keep master as our development branch and still use the
new "main" branch (which I would probably rename to "elpa" in that case)
for elpa and turn on auto-sync.  It would be a bit less automatic: we'd
need to keep merging from master to the "main" / "elpa" regularly and
increment the Version manually for releases.  But it's still better than
the status quo (less committed generated files; better Version

Stefan, how would I make the switch on elpa?  The package recipe I've
tested is this

 (auctex :url "";
         :branch "main"
         :news ""
         :make "elpa"
         :doc ("doc/auctex.texi" "doc/preview-latex.texi"))

Does pushing the new recipe in elpa-packages suffice?


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