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Re: Academic qualification level -- field to write short notes

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: Academic qualification level -- field to write short notes
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 21:21:57 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.7

Chris McGinlay wrote:
> Davi Leal wrote:
> >   OLD:                 NEW:
> >   Undergraduate  -->   1. Enrolled at a University (Undergraduate)
> >   Graduate       -->   2. Bachelor's degree (1st University cycle)
> >   Postgraduate   -->   3. Master's degree   (2nd University cycle)
> >   Doctoral       -->   4. Doctoral degree   (3rd University cycle)
> >   Other          -->   *. Other
> One thought is that a bachelor's degree can be an ordinary degree or a
> 'with honours' degree if an additional year of study is successfully
> undertaken.

You could make note of such fact in the "Short comment or description" field.

The fields which the academic section offers to fill could be:

  * Academic Qualification level (ComboBox to choose one of the above)
  * Academic Qualification title
  * University or education institution where it was got/granted
  * URI of such University or education institution
  * Start date
  * Finish date
  * Short comment or description

All optional fields.

As you can see I have added two date fields to the proposal. Please, comments, 

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