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Re: Merging g-wrap support (Was: What kinds of bindings are to be includ

From: Andreas Rottmann
Subject: Re: Merging g-wrap support (Was: What kinds of bindings are to be included)
Date: 18 Nov 2003 15:18:04 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Andy Wingo <address@hidden> writes:

> On Sat, 15 Nov 2003, Andreas Rottmann wrote:
> I don't want to make a release before a new g-wrap is released. Also, if
> the name of the project is going to change to guile-gnome, we need to
> wait on that as well. I hate waiting!
> Depending on how slow the g-wrap merge goes, perhaps we want to start
> developing guile-gobject against the new g-wrap so we're more ready to
> release once the new g-wrap is released. Can you start a branch in
> guile-gobject CVS to hold your changes?
Uh, I proabably could, but am quite hesistant to do so when I already
have an arch branch for that purpose. 

> I'm not really up to speed with arch at the moment, and I don't look
> forward to learning given my internet situation.
Hmm, it depends what you want to do, but learning arch is not really
hard given the nice tutorial ("arch meets hello world"). Also, I don't
really see why your connectity prevents you from learning arch. You
just need some place in your filesystem to follow the tutorial. If
access to the tutorial is a problem, I can provide (or email you) an
bzip2´ed tarball of it. Basically, to play with my branch, you just
need to "tla get" a copy. To start hacking on my branch, you'd branch
off it:

tla archive-setup guile-gnome--wingo--0.1 # make an archive to use for your 
tla tag address@hidden/guile-gtk--rotty--0.1 guile-gnome--wingo--0.1 # make a 
tla get guile-gnome--wingo--0.1 guile-gnome--wingo # checkout branch
cd guile-gnome--wingo # and then start hacking

I think learning arch really pays up, especially if you have poor
connection, since arch doesn't need a network connection for listing
changes (i.e. for the operation achieved by 'cvs -n update'); even
retrieving diffs against the repository doesn't need NW access, since
arch caches the so called "pristine tree".

Hope the above could convince you somehow ;-)

Cheers, Andy
Andreas Rottmann

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