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Re: [Iruka-devel] Chat dialog.

From: Petr Klyushkin
Subject: Re: [Iruka-devel] Chat dialog.
Date: 09 Sep 2002 15:45:11 +0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.5 (bok choi)

Hello, Erwan!

>>>>> "Erwan" == Erwan Loisant writes:

 Erwan> Ok, you really want your "enter" key to send messages... I
 Erwan> don't like it, since user will mistake between messages mode
 Erwan> and chat mode. We need something homogeneous between the two,
 Erwan> but we can do it configurable so any user will choose the
 Erwan> behaviour he prefers.

IMHO, size of retort control assumes that it isn't initially destined
for multi-line input.  This way is used in Gabber and I realized
without any problems that I should hit Ret key to send my message.

 Erwan> More important, the control should not send directly the
 Erwan> message. Control could be more complicated than a simple text
 Erwan> input (for example changing the text while typing) but sending
 Erwan> message should be done be chat window class.

 Erwan> It will not change behaviour but it is important for
 Erwan> design. If an other developer (or you, or me in a few month)
 Erwan> try to look how message is send he will look in chat
 Erwan> window. Sending it directly from text input is really strange.

I assumed that chat dialog is no more than a container for other
components that do real work.  I'd like chat control and retort
control to be reused when creating a group chat dialog.

It becomes considerably logical when this logic becomes natural to
you. :-)

                                                             C'ya, Peter.
        --=[ICQ 89449080]=--=[Jabber address@hidden

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