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[Phpgroupware-developers] Re: NEW APP: addbook is in cvs

From: martin f krafft
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: NEW APP: addbook is in cvs
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 21:36:41 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

also sprach Brad Sturgill <address@hidden> [2002.05.07.2045 +0200]:
> 1.  recognizing the location of the individual (by country) and applying the
> standard.
> 2.  by allowing the end user to define screen sequence standards on their
> own in preferences.  this would allow a default preference to be established
> by the administrator and then the user to override the default if they
> prefer.

i fully agree. i get mildly annoyed when i have programs, webforms, or
anything else impose on me the city state pcode way. as michael
pointed out, germany has a different format, most of europe does.

i suggest the following: let's work on a parser which allows for
free-form entry. it's a little hard with canadian/english/others
postcodes, which mix numbers and letters, but nevertheless, it should
be rather simple to parse that information entered in one field in
a webform into database fields. after all, there's the country that we
can use as a hint.

and: i don't think that placement of the pcode is a user preference -
it depends on the country in which the address lies, which one enters.
even though i am in germany, i would still like to be able to enter
Berkeley, CA 12345 as well as 80333 München must like
Vancouver, BC H6JR4G. the rendering should then be done according to
the country. effectively, this means one field for all, city, state,
pcode. i find it easier to type CA anyway, than to navigate that
stupid form field of 50 states, until i found California. have just
one free-form field and a smart parser!

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; address@hidden
xerox does it again and again and again and ...

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