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Re: [Simulavr-devel] fab feature deprecated

From: Joerg Wunsch
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] fab feature deprecated
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 16:01:10 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Hi Thomas,

> >Only to mention it: one possible way out of these two problems were to
> >derive a private XML file.  Using the information is no problem (only
> Maybe this is a solution for the problem with license. I haven't
> read the license for AVR Studio so detailed.

We've been through this discussion years ago for AVRDUDE.  The outcome
was that using verbatim copies of the file was forbidden, but taking
the information out of them, and storing it in a public project is

> I think, the "simulavr-specific" is the real problem.

If you want to proceed the route, my suggestion would be:

. In a first step, automatically transform/extract all the useful
  information from the Atmel files, and store them in your own
  XML format.

. Then go ahead, and add simulavr-specific stuff as needed.

My guess is that Atmel won't do (m)any new non-Xmega AVRs anyway.
(Xmegas are much more orthogonal in their internal structure, all
registers are arranged in clear address blocks.)

> @Joerg: I do not use AVR Studio because on linux. So I haven't seen
> this XML files. I know, that in this XML files the register with
> address for example for ADC are described, but also the different
> bits inside from a register?

It looks like this:

    <module caption="" name="AD_CONVERTER">
      <register-group caption="" name="AD_CONVERTER">
        <register caption="The ADC multiplexer Selection Register" name="ADMUX" 
offset="0x27" size="1">
          <bitfield caption="Reference Selection Bits" mask="0xC0" name="REFS" 
          <bitfield caption="Left Adjust Result" mask="0x20" name="ADLAR"/>
          <bitfield caption="Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits" 
mask="0x1F" name="MUX"/>
        <register caption="The ADC Control and Status register" name="ADCSRA" 
offset="0x26" size="1" ocd-rw="R">
          <bitfield caption="ADC Enable" mask="0x80" name="ADEN"/>
          <bitfield caption="ADC Start Conversion" mask="0x40" name="ADSC"/>
          <bitfield caption="When this bit is written to one,the Timer/Counter2 
prescaler will be reset.The bit will be cleared by hardware after the operation 
is performed.Writing a zero to this bit will have no effect.This bit will 
always be read as zero if Timer/Counter2 is clocked by the internal CPU 
clock.If this bit is written when Timer/Counter2 is operating in asynchronous 
mode,the bit will remain one until the prescaler has been reset." mask="0x20" 
          <bitfield caption="ADC Interrupt Flag" mask="0x10" name="ADIF"/>
          <bitfield caption="ADC Interrupt Enable" mask="0x08" name="ADIE"/>
          <bitfield caption="ADC  Prescaler Select Bits" mask="0x07" 
        <register caption="ADC Data Register  Bytes" name="ADC" offset="0x24" 
size="2" mask="0xFFFF"/>
        <register caption="Special Function IO Register" name="SFIOR" 
offset="0x50" size="1">
          <bitfield caption="ADC Auto Trigger Sources" mask="0xE0" name="ADTS"/>
      <value-group caption="" name="ANALIG_ADC_PRESCALER">
        <value caption="2" name="VAL_0x00" value="0x00"/>
        <value caption="2" name="VAL_0x01" value="0x01"/>
        <value caption="4" name="VAL_0x02" value="0x02"/>
        <value caption="8" name="VAL_0x03" value="0x03"/>
        <value caption="16" name="VAL_0x04" value="0x04"/>
        <value caption="32" name="VAL_0x05" value="0x05"/>
        <value caption="64" name="VAL_0x06" value="0x06"/>
        <value caption="128" name="VAL_0x07" value="0x07"/>

The captions are primarily intended for human interfaces
(i.e., it's what Atmel Studio displays to the user).
cheers, Joerg               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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