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Re: Swarm on MacOS X 10.1?

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Swarm on MacOS X 10.1?
Date: 25 Oct 2001 18:39:26 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "WN" == W Northcott <address@hidden> writes:

WN> Perhaps Marcus would like to comment about whether it would be
WN> worth having a go at getting it to compile, or what else needs to
WN> be worked on.

I heard there was a problem compiling avcall.  That may involve
playing with the assembler syntax or even experimenting with register
usage.  avcall does work with LinuxPPC, so it should be close to working.
I haven't tried to build Swarm on Mac OS X in a long time.  I
haven't tried the Aqua Tk stuff either.  Other than Tcl/Tk and ffcall,
I'm not aware of remaining issues.  Configuring Java could be a pain
given the way the directories are organized on Mac OS X, but one could
always disable Java support for starters.

The nested function / closure stuff appears to be working from the
last time I pulled Apple's GCC sources a few weeks ago.  The removal
of that obstacle is significant.  If there aren't weird problems with
Aqua Tk, then it should be doable.

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