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Re: Adding Flycheck to NonGNU ELPA

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: Adding Flycheck to NonGNU ELPA
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 21:32:27 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 19/02/2024 20:53, Philip Kaludercic wrote:
To this end, I repeat my question: What_technical functionality_  does
Flycheck_currently_  provide that Flymake does not?  A different way of
putting it is what architectural advantages does Flycheck exemplify over
Flymake, that give it an inherent edge?  If there aren't too many
differences, I think the cost of confusion (Flymake and Flycheck are
names that are easy to confuse) and of inducing choice-fatigue among new
users is not something we should ignore.

I'm fairly sure the main answer is "lots of built-in checkers", much more than flymake still has now.

It also has a minor mode map, to invoke the errors buffer or jump between the errors. Though the latter is easy-ish to port over.

On the subject of choice fatigue, would we hesitate to include lsp-mode in NonGNU ELPA, now that Eglot is in the core? I feel that would be the wrong move.

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