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Re: [Koha-devel] Koha Documentation Structure

From: Stephen Hedges
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Koha Documentation Structure
Date: Mon Oct 4 19:04:36 2004
User-agent: DreamHost Webmail

Thanks for all the comments, folks!

First, I'm not planning on publishing anything in "XML."  All of the
documents will need to be run through some sort of tool before they become
a finished product, which might be just the French documents, the French
documents pertaining to version 2.2, or the French documents pertaining to
version 2.2 in pdf format.  That's not my concern, at least not yet.  I
just want the raw content in a markup that can be processed many different

As for the license, the text I proposed is a combination of the text on
the current Koha documentation and the "boilerplate" LDP license. 
Regardless of how you twist and turn the language, it seems to me that we
want three things:
1.  a copyright statement;
2.  a statement about how the documents can be used, revised, and reused;
3.  a statement that sets the conditions for commercial reuse of the

Anything else need to be in there?

I would also suggest that authors who are not willing to contribute
documents that can be released under the "Koha documentation license" --
however it is finally worded -- simply do not submit documents to the
project.  We can't be worrying about whether or not the English document
dealing with version X's cataloguing interface (for example) can be used
in the same way as the rest of the documentation.  We'd never get anything
put together!  Better to have that portion of the documentation written by
someone else, even if it's not as good as might have been.

Stephen Hedges
Skemotah Solutions, USA
www.skemotah.com  --  address@hidden

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