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Re: [Pan-users] GNKSA

From: John Aldrich
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] GNKSA
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2011 13:22:25 -0400
User-agent: KMail/1.13.7 (Linux/; KDE/4.6.3; x86_64; ; )

On Mon July 4 2011, Duncan wrote:
> > I don't believe anyone's proposing removing that bit of the config. 
> > All HM's commit did was up the maximum number the spinner would go up
> > to (if you type in a larger number, it sets the largest allowed),
> > from 4 to 20.
> Seems I'm doing incomplete replies today...
> That's in the newsserver config dialog.  And note from previous
> discussion that pan only enforces it there.  Once a config is written, a
> user can up the connections in the servers.xml config file to whatever
> they want (with pan closed while editing, of course), and pan honors the
> new value, at least until the user goes to the servers config dialog and
> saves the config again, at which point it reverts back to the GUI-
> enforced maximum.
I, for one, would vote to see the "default" setting be set to 4, but allow 
the GUI to change that number up to, say, 20, instead of as it is now, with 
the GUI only allowing 4. (I think. Haven't looked recently.)

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