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Re: Swarm Journal

From: Benedikt Stefansson
Subject: Re: Swarm Journal
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 1997 14:33:41 -0700

Sven, Pietro, Ted and others,

Just to elaborate on my earlier comment, I feel that researchers in a
new and important field like Agent Based Modeling should try their
utmost to break into the mainstream journals in their respective fields
of expertise. 

Launching a scholarly journal for Swarm modeling might be a misguided
effort at this point. By definition it would be marginalized. Since we
would be preaching to the converted the effect on the mainstream
academic community would be negligible. Many researchers might also be
reluctant to publish "real papers" there. 

So my point is that there is definitely call for a web-based
publication, a Swarm "gazzette" as Pietro called it, which would carry
short pieces on technical and methodological details and reports on
research in progress. This would enable Swarmers to discuss their work
in an informal context and help to document the evolution of tools and


Benedikt Stefansson                 address@hidden
Department of Economics, UCLA       Fax. (310) 825-9528
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1477          Tel. (310) 825-1777

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