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Re: Proposal: new default bindings for winner and windmove

From: Daniel Colascione
Subject: Re: Proposal: new default bindings for winner and windmove
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 10:21:09 -0400

Po Lu <luangruo@yahoo.com> writes:

> Daniel Colascione <dancol@dancol.org> writes:
>> There is no "waste". We've gone over this at length. People who want
>> to bind these keys can bind them still. Nobody is hurt by default
>> bindings being present, and all the arguments I've seen against these
>> bindings are also arguments against having default bindings at all.
> [...]
>> There's no need to augment the binding function with a new
>> parameter. Anyone who can use the new parameter can just bind the keys
>> directly. The point is that out of the box Emacs should be useful and
>> useable, that the lack of default bindings for windmove makes it less
>> so, and that there's little downside to adding these bindings.
> "I was not convinced by you, and therefore you must all agree with ME."
>> Because it's useful to navigate windows positionally as well as
>> temporally. Other-window often has unpredictable effects and
>> navigating with windmove DWIM.
> Most users will for this purpose use the mouse, if there is really such
> a number of windows that navigating with other-window is impractical.

That Emacs, of all programs, is mouse-centric and therefore needs no
keybindings for certain functions is a curious claim.

> I'm disposed to say that this situation seldom appears in practice, or
> we should have received proposals to grant windmove default keybindings
> much earlier.

Another curious argument is that a problem X isn't actually a problem
because, if it were, it would have been solved already. That's true only
in the limit as time goes to infinity.

>  And don't let's be given a lecture as to the inherent
> incompatibility of the mouse with Emacs's ethos or some such.

What you're doing here is called "poisoning the well" and is another
invalid form of discourse.  Making certain functionality mouse-only is,
in fact, contrary to longstanding tradition.

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