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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] [OT] facism gaining ground in US

From: Pierce T . Wetter III
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] [OT] facism gaining ground in US
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 10:27:56 -0700

"Pierce" == Pierce T Wetter, <Pierce> writes:

    Pierce>   I think that Terrorism is Terrorizing _a_ people by the
    Pierce> use of violence is terrorism, but I'm just being nitpicky.

No, you're not.  You're awfully close to Wikipedia, definition 1,
which _is_ useful.  The points the first definition lacks are that
terrorism (a) has no military objective at all

How do you define "military objective"? Is it something that only a state
can have, and not any other kind of organisation?

 How about _any_ positive objective for the terrorist side?

What was the 9/11 attack supposed to accomplish? I'm still wondering about that. It really pissed off the US, and it got us involved in something they
probably would have been better keeping us out of.

I don't want to give Osama ideas, but I can probably think of several different things they could have done instead that would have been more effective for
their "cause".


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