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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] [OT] facism gaining ground in US

From: nadim
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] [OT] facism gaining ground in US
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 21:09:43 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.4.1

On Tuesday 20 July 2004 19:27, Pierce T.Wetter III wrote:
> > How do you define "military objective"? Is it something that only a
> > state
> > can have, and not any other kind of organisation?

Of course you decide to not answer a _VERY_ interresting question and bring 
a stupid answer instead. This is exactly what pissed me off with the Tin 
Foil hat. 

>   How about _any_ positive objective for the terrorist side?
What the hell is this? You are disapointing me very much. I really thought 
you could do better.

>   What was the 9/11 attack supposed to accomplish? I'm still wondering
> about
> that. It really pissed off the US, and it got us involved in something
> they
> probably would have been better keeping us out of.

Hurt your pride mister and inded they succeeded very well. They terrorised 
you. They got you involved exactly in what they wanted you to do. Don't 
you ever analyse things? Look at the terrorism in Israel (or Turkey, you 
friendly allies can also put bombs in cafes) what's the use of it? Could 
it be financial? Think a bit more and come with your own analysis (please 
don't serve me some silly URL I'm interrested in your opinion (if it's not 
too fuzzy))

>   I don't want to give Osama ideas, but I can probably think of several
> different
> things they could have done instead that would have been more effective
> for
> their "cause".

So you have "positive" ideas that would serve the poor, uncivilized thugs 
to make their point and you don't want to share it with them? how nice!

Cheers, Nadim.

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