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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] [OT] facism gaining ground in US

From: Stephen J. Turnbull
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] [OT] facism gaining ground in US
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 22:12:31 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.5 (chayote, linux)

>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Lord <address@hidden> writes:

    Tom> Recently, it is rather embarassing to fit that
    Tom> category..... but that doesn't make it a perjorative term.

Well, in my experience the term associates _only_ with people who
really dislike the U.S. government and have deep misgivings about
U.S. society, and rarely have a nice thing to say about either, like
you, and some who have displayed a lot of antipathy to "USians"
themselves, both individuals and as a people, like Nadim.

It's also used by some Australians to poke fun, but spelled as
"Yewessian".  (Another Australism in that vein is "Godzonian".)  I've
never seen either used nastily, but the Australians I know are not
nasty people.

I'm not at all comfortable with the term "American", but I've never
been more comfortable with an alternative, except when I'm speaking
Spanish.  In that case, ironically enough considering that it
originated in the United States of Mexico, it is "estadounidense" (ie,
"USian").  To add to the irony, they call themselves "mejicano".

The irony is only superficial, of course.  Since you say it's not
intended as pejorative, I'll try to remember that.  I'm not sure I'll
adopt it, but I'll consider it.

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