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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Usefull addons ?

From: Michael Dean
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Usefull addons ?
Date: 30 Dec 2001 12:59:11 -0600

I have to disagree here.  XML-RPC is not a replacement for e-mail
submission of tickets from clients.  This would require the client
either use a web interface or an XML-RPC enabled client for TTS.  It
defeats the purpose of the gateway and makes the system less accessible.

I completed an e-mail gateway for DCL last month (since robk was
evaluating DCL/phpGW vs. RT/some other CRM).  It actually has opened DCL
up to more installations than previously possible since a lot of
companies have it as a requirment.


On Sun, 2001-12-30 at 12:40, Dan Kuykendall (Seek3r) wrote:
> address@hidden wrote:
> > 
> >  Dear All
> > 
> >  I came across phpgroupware a few months ago, and I'm impressed by its
> >  capabilities. After testing it for a few months, I came up with some
> >  usefull additions (mainly to TTS).
> > 
> >  1) Submitting TTS-tickets through email
> I dont really think this is that useful, since tickets can be submitted
> via xml-rpc. The way things work in phpGW this would be hard to do in
> email because we dont auto process things like that. In most cases that
> I can think of, the xml-rpc interface would work best. For example, if
> you want to have some form on your website for users to create
> tickets... the script and turn around and use the xml-rpc interface
> instead of generating the email.

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