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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Usefull addons ?

From: Tarjei Huse
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Usefull addons ?
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 19:46:55 +0100 (CET)

Since you guys are into wishlists now just before the new year, here's my 
tip :)

the more options you add into an application, the more complicated it 
becomes to leart for a new user but at the same time the more usefull it 
gets for more users. This is a catch 22 situation that should be adressed. 

I suggest that both tts and project and maybe other apps should have more 
detailed config options for choosing what fields you want to use. Thus, the 
app can be set up to handle more possible situations without each user 
either having too many options (=bad because most users will not understand 
what options to use and what not). 

If this already is possible, don't flame me - I'm on vacation but I though 
the point would be valid anyhow .)


> address@hidden wrote:
>>  Dear All
>>  I came across phpgroupware a few months ago, and I'm impressed by its
>>  capabilities. After testing it for a few months, I came up with some
>>  usefull additions (mainly to TTS).
>>  1) Submitting TTS-tickets through email
> I dont really think this is that useful, since tickets can be submitted
> via xml-rpc. The way things work in phpGW this would be hard to do in
> email because we dont auto process things like that. In most cases that
> I can think of, the xml-rpc interface would work best. For example, if
> you want to have some form on your website for users to create
> tickets... the script and turn around and use the xml-rpc interface
> instead of generating the email.
>> 2) The ability for the customer to view the status of the submitted
>> tickets
>>  (only those submitted by customer). I think this is a special view
>>  option. Perhaps this is already implemented, but I haven't figured
>>  out yet how to do this.
> I thought it did this, but if not good idea.
>> 3)  Tracking worktime with each support call
> Good idea
> Some of the following can probably be done by making use of the
> resources of the timetrack app. We would probably best be served by
> making sure timetrack is n-tiered and then re-using that existing code.
>> Some services includes free support. EG. Mail services includes 15
>> minutes support each month, but you can only use this support in the
>> current and the next month, so max_free will be 30 minutes. This
>> prevents the free support minutes to increase too excessive, and then
>> be used for a totally different problem.
>> When you buy support (eg. when not using any product with included
>> free support), there is an expiry time on those support minutes. We
>> sell support on a regular basis (minutes per month, same mechanism as
>> the included free support), but also on a when-needed basis: You buy a
>> certain amount of minutes, which can be used in the coming next 12
>> months. The expires-field is used for this.
>> The support table is really an addon: There is no dependancy on
>> another app (like a TTS-ticket). This table is only used to keep track
>> of bought and used support minutes. Ofcourse the customer must be able
>> to see how many minutes there are available, and on which problems the
>> minutes are used (the TTS-tickets).
>> Anyone willing to add this ? I would try myself, but I'm not familiar
>> with the phpgroupware API or even OOP, so it will take quite some time
>> if I do this myself... I tried to find additional information, but the
>> relations between the different tables, and the mechanism of eg. ACLs
>> are not well documented.  I will write down my experiences in setting
>> these things up, so others can benfit from this. Are there any
>> special tools in use for the documentation?
>> Just my wishlist ( a bit late for christmas, but hey, my birthday is
>> in March :*), but I think there will be others finding these addons
>> usefull. I don't say the proposed tables/design is the perfect one,
>> but it does give you the idea of how I want to use this.
>> Any questions / feedback is appreciated, and a happy newyear for
>> everyone.
>> Regards,
>> Marcel
>> --
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>> ing. Marcel van Dorp (CCDP, CCNP+security)
>> WiWo Support                                 tel. 071-523 77 91
>> Postbus 1098                                 fax  071-523 77 94
>> 2340 BB Oegstgeest                           gsm  0653-50 77 76
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
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Tarjei Huse
920 63 413

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