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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Usefull addons ?

From: srl
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Usefull addons ?
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 15:07:43 -0500 (EST)

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001, Joel Webb wrote:

> >Instead of having one option for each different sort of email to
> >send, it has a concept of "Scrips"--- where you can say, "Send an
> >email about this ticket using $template to $users when $thing
> >happens." It's a really nice system. To see it in action, check out
> > , login as "guest", pw "guest".
> Wow, that is a pretty good TTS. Would there be a way of porting
> it over into PHPGW? It looks like a lot of work would have to be
> done doing it - Including ACL and Groups.

I have no idea, since I've not poked around in the PHPGW internals
much. You could perhaps post to the rt-devel list and see what kind
of interest there is. I know from conversations with the author of
RT that it's in use at lots of places; one commercial entity that's
using RT claims to push 10,000 tickets a day through it. It's a very
nice bit of software.

I think there are plans on the horizon to have an XML-RPC interface
to RT, but they largely depend on either 1> volunteers or 2> the
author finding someone to pay him to work on that feature.

Shane R. Landrum         address@hidden                __o
"In the end, you write the book that grabs you                -\<,
by the throat and demands to be written." - Salman Rushdie  (*)/(*)

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