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Re: [glob2-devel] To Erik: My Profiling Information

From: Erik Søe Sørensen
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] To Erik: My Profiling Information
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 14:55:04 +0200
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Kieran P skrev:

Running valgrind today paid off, I think - one significant (i.e.
memory-corrupting) bug and one memory leak (0.4MB leaked in a relatively short run) found & fixed :-)

Wow. Very nice job. Was that what you commited?

Thanks :-)
Yes, that's changesets eb0f02742864 and <>59f2c9ee8128 <>.

> Well, thank you for the effort, but I'm not sure these virtualized timings say much. They won't correspond to running the game on a machine's 'real' OS... the virtualization software influences the measurements.

Very well. I'll run it on my Linux computer (non virtualized) and a gaming system I should point out..................

Of course it is - these days I use it for playing the profiling game :)
(Oh, and that nifty 'Valgrind' game. It even has a boss key.)

Here you go:

Those are the new results. Much different. Perlin and clouds seem to dominate?

Yes, this is interesting!
I haven't used the '-h' switch myself until now.

The busy callpath is
Game::drawAll -> Dyn.Clouds::compute -> PerlinNoise::Noise -> PerlinNoise::Noise3d Is there any chance that the noise can be computed using integers, or cached?
It seems it's all multiplying and adding, so I'm guessing it might.

A visualization of the results are available here:
or in detailed version (200k, 10000x1200) here:


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