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Re: Install Concept

From: Filip Brcic
Subject: Re: Install Concept
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 23:47:43 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.1

Дана Wednesday 08 February 2006 14:54, Alfred M. Szmidt је написао(ла):
>    I think the best bet would be to create the scriptable installer.
> Problem with that is getting someone to write the code and _test_ the
> code.  We don't exactly have many people to do such work.  If there
> are people willing to work on a new installer, then that is great, but
> if there aren't, we will have to use a already existing one (which
> might not be a bad thing).

If we would use an existing installer, I would suggest anaconda. It is 
originaly made by redhat (for rpm), but it has been ported to deb and to 
conary. I don't think that it would be too hard to port to gnu package 
managment system.

The real question is how will the gnu packages look like. If the stowfs is the 
choice, then the packages would most probably be some kind of tarballs (or as 
in .deb, ar archive with .targz data and targz metadata). It is not too hard 
to create something that would build & install such packages, but the package 
structure should be determined first. At least I would say so...

Filip Brcic <address@hidden>
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