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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Proposed changes to 16 API

From: Sigurd Nes
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Proposed changes to 16 API
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 20:04:54 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)

>>>>What do people think?  I plan to commit this in a few days
>>>>unless there is any real objections.
>>>I do strongly object putting so many new things into .16. Really. We have 
>>>smaller changes in the past for stability reasons.
>>>I propose to build a .18 (or .20 or whatever we like to call it) version, 
>>>consisting of
>>>the current .16 + your additions, make that a stable release (which should 
>>>be trivial
>>>seen in the light that you even want to put it in .16) and close .16 for 
>>>This would give other devs a chance to get their code included in .18 as 
>>>well, if it is
>>>well tested etc etc
>>>If we go along this line, I would be calliung for support from the dev 
>>>community for
>>>testing the proposed .18 before release.
>>I agree with all that too. We have a now, I think it's time to move
>>on to a new vresion branch. Even if it's still .16 + some stuff and not a
>>version from head, it remains a new version for me.
Chris Weiss wrote:
> what about a new "app" for storing unsupported api classes?  This
> could even be a HEAD only app and have the stable parts of it moved to
> main API at release time.  Afterall, these are 3rd party and
> unsupported apps we are talking about.
> for this, i would support the CreateObject function to be slightly
> mod'd to check for this api when it doens't find a requested class.
> The error handling should already be there so it's just another if().
I don't think that is feasible - at least for the implementation of the
XSLT-support which is dependent of modifying existing classes of the
original api.



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