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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Planner-Newbie

From: Chris Parsons
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Planner-Newbie
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 22:04:27 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3 (windows-nt)

Sacha Chua <address@hidden> writes:

> Andreas Stemmer <address@hidden> writes:
>> (except for the fact, that I have Linux and Evolution on my main 
>> computer). BTW: I didn't expect so many Windows users on this list.
> Come to think of it... Yeah, why is that? <impish grin> Yet another
> cool thing this unimaginative maintainer didn't anticipate. I like
> Planner 'cause I live in Emacs and I like tweaking Emacs beyond
> recognition. Seriously. I change my Emacs config almost daily. I know
> I'm weird. ;)

Lots of us windows types live in emacs too... I use Emacs and Firefox
and Cygwin shells for 99% of the stuff I do on this WinXP laptop. I
spend most of my time in Emacs/Gnus/Planner. 95% of my client work I do
through tramp/ssh.

The (only) reason I'm still running windows on this laptop is lack of
decent support for my wireless Cardbus card. I've tried ndiswrapper on
another box, but the fact I had to set up a cron to reload the module
every two minutes scares me slightly. I don't have the time to throw a
day at getting it set up in a stable fashion. Once linux has more native
driver support for wireless stuff, I'm there.

> Mmkay. If it's not the hyperlinking from/to everything and it's not
> the publishing, why use Planner? It doesn't have the cool widgets of
> the gazillions of PIMs available for Windows. Microsoft Entourage
> (Office Mac) has way more powerful linking.

The widgets are frankly irritating. I like being in control of both my
file format and my editing process. Plus, once you've learnt it, emacs
is way faster to edit in than office where you have to find the mouse
every five seconds to click on the fancy looking button to stop Word
putting bullet points in at the wrong indentation when you didn't want
them there anyway.

> What's your current killer feature, the reason why you're playing
> around with Planner?

Linking is the killer feature for me. I love being able to jump directly
to stuff. Also the readable file format is great - it's a bit like
working with a paper diary again - you can easily understand the data
format :D

> What's your main wishlist feature?

Multiple project pages for tasks (I mentioned this yesterday in an
email). I'm still digging around for enough time to give it a proper go.

> (Can someone please get annoyed enough with sync and hack up a
> solution for it? <impish grin>)

Annoyance level just simmering below the required level :) I actually
thought of 'printing' the published pages and using Repligo to sync them
to my phone. (That works one way - now how to get the data back? *thinks*)

> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Speaking of hyperlinking and other operating environments:
> <plug> I'm looking for a grad school that'll let me do research in
> personal information and management, preferably building on planner.el

Good luck finding somewhere!


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